Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Now We're Cooking (No, Really!)

Thread went away for the weekend and when she came back, this is the kitchen she came home to:

Hooray! Now this looks MUCH more like a functioning kitchen.
Special thanks to Mama Butter and Andy for help moving the stove downstairs. Extra special thanks to........Matthew and Lara, who were great neighbors from Brooklyn. Butter got schooled on how to hang a super heavy shelf on a plaster wall...it's much easier than she thought.

Now of course there are lots of small things that need to be done, such as placement of accouterments that we will only know the best place once we begin cooking! So there will be a few more after pictures once we are fully up and cooking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Talk about before and after! That looks great! Have a good time cooking in there.